How Riongo waffles are made?
Making Cream

Making cream according to a special recipe. The cream has the taste and sweetness of caramel with a low sugar content.

Making waffle crusts

The dough for crusts is kneaded very slowly, according to the old European technology, until the required consistency is obtained.

Baking crispy waffles

Next, portions of the dough are split according to the assortment and poured into special baking molds that are closed, placed in the oven and baked at a temperature of 200 °C. After that, baking molds are opened, ready-made crusts are taken out and allowed to cool.

Adding cream with caramel flavor

After that, Riongo is made using the cream and overlapping crusts in several layers, namely 4.

Waffle cooling

Riongo are allowed to cool during 30 minutes to ensure good adherence of caramel filling and waffle crusts.


Waffle packing process is aimed at protection, hygiene, and the best appearance of the product.


It seems difficult to recreate taste and authentic flavor of sweet caramel with low content of sugar. We apply several production technologies to get the desired result.